Take their money

Kaiser Wolfe
6 min readFeb 11, 2022

They do not know how to use it

Where does all the money come from? How does the work-force have Two Trillion Dollars of disposable income that they funnel into the crypto market? Is the market propped up on debt, civilian debt, the average Joe and Jane maxing out credit cards to buy various crypto “assets” whilst Charles sits snug in “sunny Colorado” reaping mountains of cash and if so, Is that a bad thing? Is it wrong that Charles and others in all various fields siphon up large portions of money as wealth? I tend to lean toward it is not a bad thing. As long as they realise the great level of responsibility that weighs on their shoulders and the importance of utilising their wealth as capital and have the incentive to distribute that capital i.e. re-investment and allocation. These men and women who amass large wealth and therefore have access to capital most people could only dream of need to pioneer our civilisation forward. They cannot sit on top a mountain and seek to be worshipped, we entrusted them with the resource, they will need to prove how effective they are at capital allocation. Elon Musk stated in a clip that their are some who are better equipped to utilise and manage capital, and I believe this to be true. That I why I say, take their money. Take the money of those who are not capable as they do not know how to use it. The above average earning person with disposable income sitting at home has no idea what to do with the money they’ve earned. They accrue the wealth, place it in a pension, maybe in some tracker or try their hand at the stock market — soon to realise that institutions own everything and your measly pennies will do nothing to shift the needle in the market. Best they can achieve is to compound and sustain. That approach is built on top an institutional foundation that leads to inadequate value and reward systems where hedge funds and investors make commission on the money and don’t give a fuck if it returns to 0, they’ve cashed out. There needs to be more accountability and responsibility. Slapping crypto (or blockchain) technologies into that system doesn’t change that and if it does, the complexity and effort is wasted in light of alternative solutions that are lighter and easier — but this article is not about the flaws of crypto and an idiotic cultism that so many people have fallen for. I am solely talking about amassing large wealth and how it can be a good thing that money is funnelled to those who know how to reinvest that capital to ensure our civilisation evolves and moves forward. It is evidently clear that the average person doesn’t care about solving social or geo-political issues or advancing our species. You can harp on as much as you like about the innovation of blockchain and how insanely lucrative or system-defining NFTs could be but you are only doing this to hype it up, you do not truly care. All you want is to make a quick dollar. In the end, it always reverts back to the dollar. Which fool will be left holding the hyper-inflated One Million Dollar BTC, never to be sold again but written off as a poor judgement. If you truly cared, you would circumvent the NFT ecosystem, take your disposable income or ascertained debt by leveraging what little credit you have and bypass buying crypto and directly contribute said capital to space programs or cancer research initiatives. However, you do not directly benefit from these projects, so you don’t care. The immediate dopamine hit is not there and you want to make money and you want to make it now. You want to make a quick buck here or there and I get it — you have a family and you want to provide for them, and ensure they are looked after in this crazy world where money seems to be a fleeting resources that only a few have access too, you will jump on whatever promiscuous band wagon comes along. Or maybe you are a lonely soul sitting at home with a fleeting value system and have found yourself engrossed/intoxicated in Instagram or TikTok, fantasying over the fetish lifestyles of fake wealthy people demonstrating an orchestrated fairy tale. In any case, you are not the correct person money should be funnelled to. There are many people I believe should not have access to the large sums of capital they have at their disposal as they will never use it to advance our species — they will keep it for themselves and buy extravagant shit. Maybe the money spent on that extravagant shit escapade eventually lands in the hands of the right people, that admirable person who will reinvest the earnings not solely into their own company but partially into other avenues that are purposefully setup to advance the human race. I don’t know where governments fit into all of this — they have a really poor system in place for earning money — tax. There are two forces I could live without; interest and tax. Interest is theft and was punishable by death in the early years. Tax is dirty, it is a poor solution to a fundamental problem and that is, what is the value-add of the government and how to do they earn for delivering their value. These are all topics for later articles. The reason I brought these points up is that I am not sure it is the best solution to tax the rich — or to tax anyone. Governments are not the most efficient users of capital resources and why in the fuck are their so many people in the houses of parliament, seriously — I think this every time I watch them congregate in the house of lords — what in the fuck are they doing, jabbering and chatting away about “partygate” — stfu and get shit done or get the fuck out of the way of those who are! I’ve allowed this article to slip into a partial rant and I apologise to the readers of this post. Back to the lecture at head. I am anti the system that has fuelled widespread adoption of cryto and “assets” such as NFTs. They seem to pillage money from people who have less and the money is not going to those who are best the users of capital (obviously not in all cases). I have a strong value system that is preventing me from entering the space of NFTs, even though I know I can make money from it. Even though I know I could potentially improve the lives of my family financially by getting involved. Then again, I think too myself, maybe I am the right person — maybe I am the correct person to lift money out of the pockets of those who freely seem to give it away without any serious thought on the value they gain. They clearly do not know what to do with their money and have a broken value system, because if they did — they would distribute their money to value-add institutions and establishments that are trying to move the needle forward in the evolution of our civilisation. Maybe I will commit and complete the backed NFT project I’ve had on hold and percolating in the back of my mind for a while — because once I have acquired enough capital that I can make change — you best fucking believe I will.

